Cordova Electric Cooperative


Public Notices

Tesla at Cordova Center New Lower Lot EV Charging Station

Off-road Alaska town offers free electric-car charging

A seaside town cut off from Alaska's road system seems an unlikely incubator for electric vehicles in the frigid north. But Cordova, home to at least one electric car and 45 miles of road from end to end, recently installed two charging stations, enough to power four cars simultaneously. Anyone in the world can...

Cordova Alaska Christmas

2017 Christmas Decorations Contest Winners

Animation Brad & Jessica Sjostedt Decorated Theme Bill & Ann Howard Best Display Marty & Mona Bossie Decorated Windows - Lighted Windows Butch & Rabbi Reyes Best Lights—Commercial Seaman’s Hardware Most Lights—Residential Rebecca Ridao/Wendell Dadula Best Christmas Tree Dick & Sue Shellhorn Decorated Mobile Home Robert Quemado Color Variation Roy & Dede Srb CEC Chairman’s Award Jerry & Vicki Blackler Best in Show - Main Street Light Wells Fargo Bank Honorable Mention’s Paul...

Cordova Electric Cooperative

Free EV Charging Stations Come to Cordova

The City of Cordova and Cordova Electric Cooperative (CEC) stepped closer to becoming a more renewable, self-sustaining community by installing 4 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in the city center on December 21st. The lower price of locally produced electricity supports Cordova’s economic self-sufficiency; the strategic goal of the City...

Radiance Project Cordova


The objective of this project is to enhance the resilience methods for distribution grids under harsh weather, cyber-threats, and dynamic grid conditions using multiple networked microgrids, energy storage, and early-stage grid technologies.  Planned Outcome: Using zonal approaches in multiple loosely and tightly networked microgrids will increase the resilience and resources on...

Cordova Alaska

DOE GMLC Convening in Cordova

Leading experts from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) met last week with various national laboratories and statewide associations at the Cordova Center in Cordova, Alaska to strategize the implementation of an innovative three-year microgrid modernization effort set to begin in Cordova in 2018 entitled “RADIANCE”. ...

Cordova Alaska

Senate committee hears testimony on microgrid technology

Testimony at a U.S. Senate field hearing on energy held in Cordova on June 10 had one clear message: to be successful in renewable energy innovation, collaboration and sharing of information between all stakeholders is a must....

Cordova Microgrid

Cordova hosts U.S. Senate field hearing on microgrids

When it comes to emerging energy technologies, many remote Alaska communities are on the cutting edge. That was the message from Cordova this weekend, where U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski held a field hearing of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, which she chairs. The focus of the hearing was microgrids: self-contained electrical...

Cordova Electric Cooperative

2016 CEO Report

Dear Owners of Cordova Electric Cooperative: Despite strong headwinds on several fronts, your Cooperative performed well this year. A sharp drop in kilowatt hour sales had revenues down almost 10%, but we were able to operate the Cooperative without raising rates or borrowing money. In fact, we paid down $810,526 in...