Electrify Alaska! Virtual Conference
Join CEC and guests for the following sessions on
November 16-18, 2020 from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. AK Standard Time
- The Future is Electric
- Beneficial Electrification – Challenges & Opportunities
- Electric Vehicles / Ships / Planes
- Electric Air / Water / Ground Source Heat Pumps
- Virtual tour of the CEC Battery Energy Storage Project
- Virtual tour of the Power Creek Hydroelectric Project
The Special Cordova Resident rate is only $10 for all three days!
About the event
Following dialogue with our co-hosts on the COVID-19 pandemic challenges now facing our global community, the Cordova Electric Cooperative decided to move Electrify Alaska! Conference to an on-line format. We are happy to announce that new dates for Electrify Alaska! Virtual Conference will be November 16, 17 and 18! We will have more new information including an updated agenda soon!
Description: Cordova Electric Cooperative in partnership with Beneficial Electrification League, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and the Natural Resources Defense Council invites you to join us for three days of Beneficial Electrification discussions and virtual engagement with beautiful Cordova, Alaska.Cordova has committed to living in respectful harmony with her wild surroundings from which we draw our livelihoods and subsistence lifestyles. With fiber connectivity to and within the community, fully underground power lines and renewable energy supply, Cordova is the perfect site from which to host the Electrify Alaska! Virtual Conference. This conference invites the Global community and partners to discuss the responsible and cost-saving electrical technologies of today and tomorrow for all-electric aviation, boating, vehicles, and home heating. We hope to virtually engage with you here!
What is Beneficial Electrification? https://beneficialelectrification.com/resources
Meeting discussions: Electric vehicles, electric planes, electric ships, and electric air/water source heat pumps. The future is Electric!
Virtual Networking Breakouts: In-person Conference attendance is very important for the networking opportunities, but just because we are not going to be together in Cordova, Alaska, doesn’t mean we can’t connect face-to-face in small groups! Please join the conversation!
Online Sponsors Spotlight: This is a great opportunity for attendees to hear directly from the industry leaders about their latest products, services and/or initiatives. You will be able to dialogue in real time!
Conference Video Tours to CEC Battery Energy Storage (BESS) and Power Creek Hydroelectric Virtual Project will be available to all Electrify Alaska! Conference registered participants.
Register now to participate in Electrify Alaska! Virtual Conference, November 16-18, 2020. The event Early Bird registration is available now and the fee is only $100, after October 1st it will be $150. All payments must be received at the time of the registration.
To re-confirm your participation or for more information about Electrify Alaska! Virtual Conference please contact: Kristina Baiborodova, Conference Coordinator, Partner, ArKtiKa Company, Kristina.Baiborodova@gmail.com or Barb Bailer, Executive Assistant, Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc., bbailer@cordovaelectric.com.
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