Power Outage Survey
CEC and researchers are interested in how power outages affect you or your business. We have created an online survey that asks about electricity use and how future power outages might affect you. We would like to hear from business customers.
What are the benefits?
You will help researchers understand how much CEC customers value their electricity service during outages and how valuable it is to customers to avoid outages.
The business survey will take about 40 minutes to complete and you will be given a $50 gift card for a local business.
We will begin processing your incentive payments at the close of the survey.
What is the survey deadline?
Please complete the survey by November 24, 2021.
For more information about the survey, please contact the CEC customer service representatives at 1-907-424-5555 Monday through Friday between the hours of 8AM and 5PMor email at info@cordovaelectric.com. For specific questions about the survey, please contact Dr. Jennifer Schmidt at 1-907-786-5497 or email her at jischmidt@alaska.edu.
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