Cordova Electric Cooperative



Heat Pump Incentive Program

In order to help incentivize heat pumps in Cordova, Cordova Electric Cooperative (CEC) is offering up to $5,000 to members to offset the cost of purchasing and installing a heat pump. Heat pump users will also receive a monthly $100 credit on their bill during October – March when the heat...

2025 Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, March 17th, 2025 at the Cordova Center. Registration will begin at 5:00 pm. The meeting will start promptly in the theater at 6:00 pm and will last approximately one hour with the drawings for prizes at the end. Following the meeting, food...

Winter Incentive Rate

The Board of Directors of Cordova Electric Cooperative, Inc. is considering a revision to the Tariff for a Winter Incentive Rate to become effective October 1st, 2024. The rate would be in effect from 10/1/2024 – 3/31/2025, with the energy charge at $0.06/kWh for all consumption over the following kWh/month: ...

CoBank Sharing Success Program

CEC is partnering with CoBank to offer one-time donation matches to eligible 501(c)(3) non-profits, which could include schools and government organizations. The CEC Board intends to award four organizations $5,000 each this year. If your organization is interested in seeking a donation, please complete a CEC Contribution Request Form and include your IRS...

Update: 2024 Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, March 18th, 2024 at the Cordova Center. Registration will begin at 5:00 pm. The meeting will start in the theater at 6:00 pm and will last approximately one hour with the drawings for prizes at the end. Following the meeting, there will...

CoBank Sharing Success Program

CEC is partnering with CoBank to offer up to four one-time donation matches to eligible 501(c)(3) non-profits, which could include schools and government organizations (as long as the donation serves a public purpose and is consistent with the purpose and guidelines of the Sharing Success Program). Eligible donation amounts can...

Update: 2023 Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting will be held on Monday, March 20th, 2023 at the Cordova Center. Registration will begin at 5:00 pm. Members will be able to submit their ballots, register for the drawings, enjoy appetizers, and listen to presentations by CEC staff. The meeting will start in the auditorium at...

CEO Clay Koplin Receives Top Alaska Power Association Award

In August, CEO Clay Koplin was awarded the Alaska Power Association (APA) Mason LaZelle Achievement Award, which is APA’s highest honor. Clay was nominated by CEC Board Chair Joe Cook. The following is a description provided by APA: Koplin received the association’s highest honor this year. He has spent his career...

CoBank Sharing Success Program

CEC is partnering with CoBank to offer up to four one-time donation matches to eligible 501(c)(3) non-profits, which could include schools and government organizations (as long as the donation serves a public purpose and is consistent with the purpose and guidelines of the Sharing Success Program). Eligible donation amounts can...

Cordova Electric Cooperative

2021 CEO Report

Dear customers and owners of Cordova Electric Cooperative:             Each year comes with its own challenges and opportunities, but 2020 was in a class all its own.  The pandemic touched nearly every aspect of CEC and our customers. In March of 2020 CEC was among the first organizations in the community...